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Synchronizing Smart Playlists

SuperSync allows you to synchronize your smart playlists too.. but due to limits within iTunes, it requires a few more steps.

Open two libraries, the local library must be your current iTunes library, and the Remote library should be another Networked SuperSync iTunes library on another computer.

Note: The contents of two "sync'd" smart playlists may be very different-- since smart playlists are dynamic in nature.

Getting Smart Playlists

To Get Smart Playlists from the other computer, select one or more Blue playlists. (Do not select any green or gray ones.)

From the Action menu, select "Export Smart Playlists..." and save the XML file to your computer.

Go to your iTunes application (on the same computer) and select Library -> Import Playlists. Choose the XML file you just created.

Those smart playlists should be added to your iTunes library and should "turn green" next time the library is refreshed.

Putting Smart Playlists

To Put Smart Playlists to the other computer, select one or more Gray playlists. (Do not select any green or blue playlists.)

From the Action menu, select "Export Smart Playlists..." and save the XML file to your computer.

Transfer this XML file to the other computer by any means -- e-mail, file sharing, thumb drive, etc.

On the remote computer, go to the iTunes application and select Library -> Import Playlists. Choose the XML file you just copied from the other computer.

Close and open the remote library on the first computer and those playlists should now be "green" and in sync.


[Read the Syncing Playlists Section in this manual]

[Read the Syncing Tracks Section in this manual]

[Return to the SuperSync Table of Contents Section in this manual]

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