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Version History

7.0.2 - Fixed Apple Music accessor.

7.0.1 - Fixed NAS builds, added QNAP. Fixed networking issues with https. Added diagnosis info.

7.0 - Major upgrade for and iTunes discontinuation. https for networking, new playlist manager, updated screens.

6.1 - New network security, support for new NAS systems, bug fixes, improved Web UI, and much more.

6.0.1 - Fix desktop password resetting problem, fix IE web browsing, a Mac Playlist error was fixed.

6.0 - Official support for NAS systems, new user/password system, improved web access, new Playlist Merge, new API.

5.4.4 - iTunes 11.2 updates. Album art now displayed in web browser. New NAS versions. Fixed preferences bug on Mac.

5.4.3 - More NAS integration, playlist uppdates, album-artist matching improved, more.

5.4.2 - New NAS version support, playlist uppdates, CRC save update, added upload preference panel.

5.4 - Support for NAS sync, improved Playlist Sync.

5.3.9 - Update playlist sync, list of LAN servers adjusted, rescan library fixes.

5.3.8 - Playlist Inspector and Synching viewer. Improved Library overview window. Better playlist synching. Improved Vortex Box support.

5.3.7 - Minor updates.

5.3.5 - Created new version for PPC, new feature for importing entire iTunes Libraries.

5.3.2 - Minor fixes in track manager, compare dialog, logging.

5.3.1 - New Code signging for Mavericks.

5.3 - Improved UI, bug fixes.

5.2 - Remove PPC support.

5.0 - Remove Duplicate, iTunes Match Support, new UI, Cloud Overview, Better Playlist Sync, new Documentation.

4.7.1 - 4.7.7 - Fixed bug with Compare Dialog, meta data updates.

4.7.0 - Updates for iTunes Match.

4.5.2 - Fixed bug importing older iPods.

4.5.2 - Added support for Carbon/PowerPC and and Cocoa support.

4.5.1 - Minor fixes.

4.5 - New overview window, new duplicate inspector, new duplicate filters, improved track accounting, iCloud track recognition, new UI elements. On Mac, using cocoa libraries.

4.0.9 - improved Rescan Local Library speed, added 'Use Media Kind/Artist/Album' option for Track Destination, added IE 8 audio/video playback support, simplified UI, improved iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch importing.

4.0.8 - Improved mulitiple iTunes library detection, Tivo playback, added IE 8 audio/video playback support, simplified UI, improved iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch importing.

4.0.2 - Updated popup menus, add server user/pass check, signed the .app file, fixed preference dialog size.

4.0.1 - additional menu shortcuts, removal of a bogus warning about overlapping library names, an unexpected error message when comparing some types of playlists, and web playback of audio on the iPhone.

4.0 - Major upgrade -

New user interface, new networking code, duplicate inspector window, new documentation, better iOS import, Remote iTunes XML import, export smart playlists, Track Internet Search. Remved DAAP server, check-filters.

3.6.1 - Fixed Mac help and Windows iPod/iPad/iPhone access.

3.6 - Added iPad importing support. Major change to improve network performance. Recommended update.

3.5 - Added iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPod Nano support. Improved networking speed. Multiple enhancements.

3.3.5 - Added meta update table column, fixed server NPE, improved playlist synching.

3.3.4 - iPod fixes, new reporting system, updated meta data updating.

3.3.1 - Fixed table sorting problem, fixed registration system

3.3 - Batch meta update, icon decoder, improved iTunes connectivity, Snow Leopard/Windows 7 Testing

3.2 - Internal release

3.1.3 - Fixed bug with playlists synch not available in all cases. Fixed

3.1.1 - Improved loading speed, improved support for TV Shows, Movies, and Podcast directories

3.1 - Added web access, new CRC checker, improved Rescanner helps find broken iTune links; A major update.

3.0.4 - Embedded JRE for windows users, new playlist icons, minor updates.

3.0.3 - Improved playlist viewer and synchronizer. Improved table sorting. Enhanced Tivo server support!

3.0.2 - Fixed a bug where the demo became expired. Fixed a number of other small issues.

3.0.1 - Fix issue where some files are listed as not in iTunes" due to unicode problem. Added iTunes monitor to footer.

3.0 - Meta-data updating, improved duplicate finder, ease-of-use improvements, remote trash, improved tivo support, fixed iTunes 8 issue, scheduled rescan, new playlist viewer.

2.4.1, 2.4.2 - Re-added track flag icons. Minor bug fixes.

2.4 - New iPod reader, support for additional media types, new metadata transfers, minor Tivo server changes, better reporting.

2.3 - New Tivo access for MP3's, improved ease-of-use, made playlist synching easier, new online docs

2.2.5 - New help with new TOC, fixed "playlist manager" unexpected quit bug

2.2 - Added skip possible duplicates code for reducing duplicate copies. Added new iPod scanning code. Fixed OS-X help.

2.2.1 - Enabled iTunes updates for demo version, working on playlist synchronization, updated docs

2.2 - Added skip possible duplicates code for reducing duplicate copies. Added new iPod scanning code. Fixed OS-X help.

2.1 - New icons, graphics, and playlist synchronization. Trial version allows more access to features, including full comparison of any two libraries.

2.0 - New transfer status window, easier WAN access and added help options, simultaneous track uploads and downloads, support for unicode and long file names, improved iTunes integration

1.8.1 - Fixed bug where some tags were lost in transfer. Improved rescan with iTunes.

1.8 - Update for Leopard & Vista, fixed AppleScript unicode bug, fixed console window bug, added "Open in iTunes" menu option, and added lifetime free upgrades.

1.7 - UI Facelift (flag icons, new toolbars) Vista compatible signed installer. Basic proxy support. Fixed rescan bug.

1.6.1 - Fixed problem stopping transfers; Changed table layout and color schemes; Added more transfer stats; Moved player controls;

1.6 - More logging options; Improved iTunes XML Import for basic unicode file paths; Improved server performance;

1.5 - Added basic support for .mov and .mp4 (movie) files. Improved OS-X table performance. Faster networking. Added Trash support .

1.4.2 - Fixed bug where synching was disabled when it should have been allowed.

1.4 - Improved music player, new bug/suggestion reporter, improved UI, improved iTunes synching.

1.3 - Added partial fix for some unusually coded foreign characters, new online bug reporter, improved synching and UI.

1.2 - Added tighter iTunes integration and iTunes 7.0 compatibility.

1.0 - First release. Synching of iTunes 6.x; SuperSync-SuperSync network sync; disk-to-disk sync.


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